new york home loans
new york home loans

Loan Info

  • Credit Problems: You, like many others, may have had some unfavorable credit in the past or perhaps history no credit at all.
    Many lenders this interpreted as a credit risk.
    Because of our expertise and access to credit markets, we are able to assist most, but not all of our customers with these types of issues.
  • NINA Loans (No income no asset verification): These are also called "Stated" programs. When the income you derive comes from non-traditional sources you need a non-traditional loan.We can help.
  • Residential Mortgages: Mortgages that are not on commercial or industrial buildings.
  • Mixed Use: These are properties that enjoy about 50% commercial space and can often be financed at a  lower rate than typical commercial rates.We are expert at these
  • Investment Property: 20% Down? - Not at American Equity Services Inc.. We have many lenders who require less than 20% down and some require nothing down depending on the individual's credit rating.
  • Refinance: Simply want to lower your current payments? How about a cash back refinance loan? Our expert loan consultants can show you the best way to accomplish your goals.
  • Reverse Mortgages: The ideal mortgage for the elderly. Why should the aged have to move out of their beloved home in their twilight years? A reverse mortgage may be the ideal investment for them. Call for more information.
  • FHA or VA Loans: Government insured mortgages that generally require less of a down payment than traditional mortgages offered by the typical lender. FHA loans are available to any who meet the federal requirements and VA loans are available to any who have been honorably discharged from the US Armed Forces and possess a DD-214 card. Feel free to call for more information.
  • Home Improvement Loans: Want to remodel the kitchen? Add an addition? Redo that basement? An American Equity Services Inc. arranged home improvement loan may be just the thing for you.
  • Home Equity: We have many lenders that will allow you to use the equity in your home to purchase anything that you like. Why pay high interest auto loans or loans for furniture, appliances etc., when
    a home equity loan can be used. Many individuals use this type of loan to finance stock purchases.
  • 125% Loans: Borrow up to 125% of the equity in your home. These loans typically require better credit than most and usually have slightly higher interest rates than most other loans.
  • Bankruptcy & Foreclosure: We deal with many individuals who have had bankruptcy or foreclosures in the past. Most have been told by various lenders that there is no hope. At American Equity Services Inc., we can help those problems to disappear by using the equity in the home to pay off those creditors.
  • Jumbo Loans: Loans over $250,000. We have consistently proven to be the best with these types of loans. We currently work with lenders offering 0% down and very competitive rates. You just can't beat that!
  • Second Mortgages: Loans which are in the second lien position on your chain of title. We offer several types of second mortgages with varying rates and maturities.
  • Mobile Homes / Manufactured Housing: In the park or not, we have some of the best financing options available in the market.
  • Don't see what you need: At American Equity Services Inc. we offer so many different types of mortgage programs that it is impossible to list them all. Give us a call - we are confident that we have the type of mortgage program that is best suited to your needs. 716-626-0083


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new york home loans

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